©Maggie Smith
Most birders have lists--life lists, yard lists, county lists, and more.
This is a list of birders highlighting those with 400 or more birds on their
San Luis Obispo County list. In addition to these high achievers, birders
who are striving for a higher county number are also listed. Considering the
fact that 470 species have been recorded in the County, reaching 400 is a
major effort over many years of birding. The birders below keep a personal County list and have submitted the numbers to me.
If you would like to be included here,
at any stage in your quest to 400 and beyond, please send information
in the format below to
Eric Wier.
SLO County
Bird List
(compiled by Tom Edell)
Total Species on SLO County Bird List = 470 (461 NIB)
Note: NIB = No Introduced Birds (Chukar, Wild Turkey, European
Starling, Rock Pigeon, House Sparrow, Eurasian Collared Dove, Scaly-breasted
Munia, Swinhoe's White-eye, and California Condor). Some birders do not count introduced species. It is
your choice how you want your list included here. Just let me know.
Recent additions to SLO County Bird List:
Swinhoe’s White-eye* – 12 December 2023 (not established in SLO County)
Sagebrush Sparrow – 31 December 2020
Field Sparrow - 20 Nov 2020
Streak-backed Oriole - 04 Nov 2020
Common Ringed Plover - 01 Oct 2020
White-eyed Vireo - 01 Jun 2018
Zone-tailed Hawk – 26 December 2017
Yellow-Crowned Night Heron - 13 Sep 2017
Winter Wren - 08 Dec 2015
Wedge-rumped Storm Petrel - 2015
Siberian Pipit – 19 October 2013 (being reviewed by the CBRC)
Blue-winged Warbler - 18 Oct 2013
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher - 12 Oct 2013
Gull-billed Tern - 07 May 2013
Black Vulture - 09 Feb 2013
Lesser Black-Backed Gull - 16 Mar 2012
Ivory Gull - 05 Nov 2010
Bar-tailed Godwit - 27 Aug 2010
Parakeet Auklet - 17 Jan 2009
Cassin's Sparrow - 12 May 2008
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 19 Oct 2006
White-headed Woodpecker - 20 Sep 2006
San Luis Obispo County Listers - Most recent update -
26 February 2025
Brad Schram--400 Club Member
Total Birds: 442 NIB (443 - including Eastern Wood Pewee--not accepted
by CBRC)
400th Bird: Brown Booby- July 1996
Comments: My best county bird seen is Ivory Gull and best bird found is
probably Trumpeter Swan (1973--second So. Cal record) and Arctic
Warbler--found by a group of us at Oceano--would be a close second. I'm still
waiting for Greater Pewee, Bendire's Thrasher, and Hepatic Tanager.
Editor's notes: Brad also had 463 birds for Santa Barbara County!
Sadly, Brad passed away in 2023.
Tom Edell--400 Club Member
Total Birds: 438 NIB (439 - including Eastern Wood Pewee--not accepted
by CBRC)
400th Bird: Brown Booby- July 1996
Comments: My best finds in the county are, Arctic Loon (7 Dec 1991),
Yellow Wagtail (Sep 1981), King Eider (Oct 1985), Garganey (with Jim Royer in
Oct 1991), Yellow-billed Loon (with Curtis Marantz in Dec 1990) and Lesser
Black-backed Gull (Mar 2010). Painful misses are Tricolored Heron, and Wood
Stork. Still waiting for Trumpeter Swan, Chimney Swift, Pinyon Jay, Clark's
Nutcracker, Bendire's Thrasher, Bohemian Waxwing, Hepatic Tanager, and
American Tree Sparrow.
Jim Royer--400 Club Member
Total Birds: 433 NIB
400th Bird:
Comments: My best county finds were Bar-tailed Godwit, Common Grackle,
Zone-tailed Hawk, Little Gull, Tricolored Heron, Red-necked Stint,
Golden-winged Warbler, and Yellow-throated, Yellow-green, Blue-headed and
Bell's Vireos. My worst miss was the Arctic Warbler - I was birding in Mexico.
Editors note: Jim has found two county first record birds in
2020--Streak-backed Oriole and Field Sparrow.
Greg Smith--400 Club Member
Total Birds: 433 NIB
400th Bird: Pinyon Jay- 05 Dec 1995. Found on Red Hill Road off Highway
Comments: My best county bird was the first definite record of White
Wagtail (Motacila alba) for the State of California, 05 Oct 1984. I'm still
looking for Yellow-billed Loon, Least Storm Petrel, and Laysan Albatross.
Curtis Marantz--400 Club Member
Total Birds: 430 NIB (431 including Eastern Wood Pewee and Mexican
400th Bird: Horned Puffin- 16 July 2007
Comments: My best bird is the Piping Plover. Because of its declining
status it may not be seen again. Easiest misses are Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel,
Least Flycatcher, and Mourning Warbler.
Bill Bouton--400 Club Member
Total Birds: 427 NIB
400th Bird: Red Crossbill- 07 October 2012
Comments: I consider some of my best finds in SLO County to be
Blue-winged Warbler (first record for the County), Red-necked Stint,
Yellow-billed Loon, Brown Booby, Yellow Rail, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Least
Flycatcher, Grace's Warbler, Cape May Warbler, and Northern Wheatear.
Maggie Smith--400 Club Member
Total Birds: 412 NIB
400th Bird: Zone-tailed Hawk
Comments: My 300th bird was the Northern Pygmy Owl, 9/1/05. My best
find is the Yellow-green Vireo that I found at Oceano. I feel fortunate that
my wish list is still quite long: Tufted Puffin, Least Flycatcher, and Tufted
Duck. Like Mike I want to find a first county record. I also enjoy "everyday"
birding and the joy of seeing a male Yellow-headed Blackbird shining in the
fog at Oso Flaco Lake is the epitome of birding your patch.
Mike Stiles--400 Club Member
Total Birds: 410 NIB
400th Bird: Lesser Black-backed Gull- 07 Aug 2018
Comments: I've been birding in the county since 1974. I consider my
best finds to be Painted Redstart, Prothonotary Warbler, and Yellow-throated
Warbler. The year 2020 was an amazing one, with Emperor Goose, Common-ringed
Plover, Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, Great-crested Flycatcher, Streak-backed
Oriole, Little Gull, Field Sparrow and Zone-tailed Hawk added to my county
list. Still waiting for Tufted Puffin and Tufted Duck, Garganey, Least and
Dusky Flycatchers, and Broad-winged Hawk, to name a few "easy" ones, and I
REALLY want to find a county first someday. My contribution to county birding
is the formation of
SLOCOBIRDING, an email rare
bird alert, and the creation of this page. I also have 243 birds
seen while walking, no fossil fuels used.
Karen Havlena--400 Club Member
Total Birds: 409 NIB
400th Bird: Brown Thrasher- 19 April 1999
Comments: My best county bird (that I found personally) was Dickcissel.
It was also a "yardbird" for me, 7-10 Sep 1991. My two worst misses are Cape
May Warbler and Wood Stork. I would love to add Wood Thrush to the county
John Luther--400 Club Member
Total Birds: 406 NIB
Comments: I have never lived in San Luis Obispo County, but have
relatives living in Los Osos, Templeton and Paso Robles so I keep getting back
there. Best birds I have seen include Reddish Egret, Golden-winged Warbler,
Painted Redstart, and the recent Dickcissel.
Nancy Mann
Total Birds: 388 NIB
Comments: Favorite Best Birds: Magnificent Frigatebird the first month
I lived in the County (in 1979), Brown Thrasher, Mountain Chickadee, Pinyon
Jay, Arctic Warbler, and Ivory Gull. The logistics of Brown Booby off Diablo
Canyon with Ben Stephens is one of my favorite birding memories. Most Painful
Missed County Bird: California Condor pre 1987. I'm still waiting for the CBRC
to accept Flamingo for Morro Bay.
Eric Wier
Total Birds: 376 NIB
Comments: My 300th was a male Calliope hummingbird in my back yard (April 2014). My rarest was the beautiful Ivory Gull enjoyed by many (November 2010). The most exciting "find" was first hearing, then seeing a White-eyed Vireo in my back yard (May 2020). The most recent addition to my County list is Winter Wren (21 February 2025).
Tom Slater
Total Birds: 375 NIB
Comments:On October 27, 2011 I couldn't name three birds. Then I walked
into a theater and watched The Big Year and when I walked out my life was
changed forever. In three days I had binoculars and a Sibley's field guide and
my first bird, a Yellow-rumped Warbler that I found in my backyard. Better
than that, my seven-year-old son Owen asked... "Dad, what are you doing?" To
which I replied, "Birding." He wasted no time, "Can I do it too?" Off we went
on the adventure together. Over 300 county birds in less than three years
while working two jobs, raising two small kids, and staying married. No big
records or discoveries. It's just about the birds. My favorites in SLO county
are: my first flock of Cedar Waxwings (50+); Indigo Bunting on Turri in the
flowers; Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (AG); Crested Caracara (LOVR); Blue-footed
Booby (MB); Long-eared Owl & Scott's Orioles (both male & female-
Carrizo); and a male summer plumage Bobolink I found out at Oso Flaco. Thanks
Maggie, Tom, and other avid SLOCO birders who have mentored us. Bird on!
Total Birds: 368 NIB
Comments: My husband Jack and I are amateur "photo birders," interested in learning about birds by capturing appearance and behavior through photos and videos. Our best finds have been: Philadelphia Vireo along the Bob Jones Trail (October 2016), Lapland Longspur at the Morro Creek mouth (October 2017) and Black-throated Blue Warbler at Laguna Lake Park (October 2018), Emperor Goose at Piedras Blancas Motel (March 2020), Ruff at Whale Rock Reservoir (September 2022), Painted Bunting at Islay Creek Campground (November 2023), Dickcissel at El Chorro Regional Park (September 2024).
Al Schmierer
Total Birds:
363 NIB
Comments: Maybe the best birds that I have found would be the (first
county record) Reddish Egret and several Pinyon Jays in 2003. The most
beautiful of the rarer birds on my list would have to be the Scissor-tailed
Flycatcher, followed by a male Scarlet Tanager as a distant second. In a way,
a Least Bittern up close in the open in the sun in my scope was one of the
most satisfying birds!
Jim Lomax
Total Birds:
361 NIB
Comments: Never lived here. I do bird all 58 counties and like San Luis Obispo
(and the birders who do live here) a lot more than some counties. I have seen
my share of rarities in the county and my favorite is the Ivory Gull from
November of 2010, still the only one I have ever seen and was a beautiful
bird. The Cerulean Warbler from October 2008 comes in high on the list too.
Brian Daniels
Total Birds: 359 NIB
Comments: My best birds for SLO would be Piping Plover, Arctic Warbler,
and White Wagtail. Although I live in Los Angeles County, I've managed to see
34 warbler species in SLO including Cerulean Warbler and Connecticut Warbler.
John Sterling
Total Birds: 362 NIB
Comments: I have never lived in San Luis Obispo County but I have
birded there a bit over the past 25 years. Best find was 3 Blackburnian
Warblers in one day--a day before the Grace's Warbler was found!...best birds
include Piping Plover, Arctic Warbler, Golden-winged Warbler, Ivory Gull, and
Cassin's Sparrow. I hope to contribute by finding a first county record
Jeff Miller
Total Birds: 357 NIB
Comments: I've been in SLO County since 2018 and spend a lot of time
looking for new county birds. My best county bird finds so far are Magnolia
Warbler and Gray Catbird.
Jon L. Dunn
Total Birds: 356 NIB
Comments: Best birds include Tufted Duck, King Eider, Piping Plover,
Rock Sandpiper, Black Swift, Least Flycatcher, Great Crested Flycatcher (2),
Arctic Warbler, White Wagtail, Golden-winged Warbler, Cerulean Warbler,
Worm-eating Warbler, Kentucky Warbler, Connecticut Warbler (2), and Painted
Redstart. Worst misses are Magnolia and Chestnut-sided Warblers, Bobolink,
Rose-breasted Grosbeak, and Indigo Bunting. And, am looking forward to seeing
a Le Conte's Thrasher. I used to bird in SLO rather frequently in the 1980s
when I lived in Santa Barbara. I enjoyed birding there again recently in
connection with the WFO meetings in Santa Maria and look forward to spending
more time there again. I suppose that 1979 Stejneger's Petrel on the Davidson
Seamount trip has now been taken by Monterey County (not included in my
Jamie Chavez
Total Birds: 346 NIB
Comments: Personal highlights are Pine Warbler, Bay-breasted Warbler,
two Scarlet Tanagers, Painted Redstart, Laughing Gull, Yellow-throated Vireo
and Mountain Chickadee. I feel fortunate to have seen the Arctic Warbler and
the Golden-winged Warbler. There are several missing birds on my list
including some owls and pelagic species. These will come in time. If I knew
exactly where the county line is at the Santa Maria River estuary I might add
Little Curlew and Red-necked Stint to my total. I only count these on my Santa
Barbara County list. I would like to find a county first Dusky Warbler one
Regena Orr
Total Birds: 324 NIB
Comments: I do live in San Luis Obispo County and thought I would make
Mike feel better by joining the County Listers. My best county bird was a
Yellow-billed Cuckoo that I banded in San Simeon.
Owen Slater
Total Birds: 320 NIB
Comments: I am 14 and have seen over 300 county birds, despite being on
so many sports teams. I really like the excitement of chasing a new bird in a
forest, across a field, or on a beach. I enjoy the awesomeness of finding a
new life bird. I also like hanging out with and learning from other birders
like Maggie, Tristan, Brad, and Jamie. My favorite birds in SLO are:
Black-footed Albatross, Blue-footed Booby, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Le
Conte's Thrasher, Summer Tanager, and my most favorite of all the Loggerhead
Shrike. Someday I want to be in the 400 club and beat my dad.
Mark Brown
Total Birds: 311 NIB
Comments: I used to live in San Luis Obispo and currently live just a
few miles south of the San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County line. I was first
taken birding by Mike Stiles in January 1979. (The Carter Administration
children) We saw Bald Eagles at Lopez Lake, my first county bird! So, I really
have no excuse why my county list is so low!! I am missing some embarrassingly
common birds. But I have seen good birds including: Tufted Duck,Scarlet
Tanager, Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, Prothonotary Warbler, Worm-eating Warbler,
Canada Warbler, Common Grackle, Glaucous Gull, Laughing Gull, & Gray
Catbird. I have found "Mark Brown's Myiarchus" at Oso Flaco, the Cal Poly
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (helped by Adonis Tate), I cofound with Kyle
Braunager the Laguna Lake Franklin's Gull, also Red-eyed Vireo, Summer
Tanager, White-winged Dove and Broad-winged Hawk. I have seen Black Terns at
Oso Flaco for the last three Mother's days, a favorite birding memory. I have
really enjoyed birding with the SLO County boyos and Maggie these last few
Mike San Miguel
Total Birds: 260 NIB
Comments: Is there a more stunningly beautiful place in S California
than the north coast of the County or the remote eastern plains? I think not
and the reason I don't have a larger SLO list is the long drive from my home
in Arcadia. During a calm, chilly dusk in March 1964 I was birding with my
mentor Dave DeSante at a remote ranch in the Carizzo Plains when we found an
adult California Condor sitting on a stump. It struggled to take flight in an
attempt to get away but without the thermals it must have for flight it became
exhausted and eventually gave up. Seeming to trust that we meant it no harm it
sat calmly on the ground as we approached. I had the best looks I knew I would
ever have at such a magnificent creature. That experience, among many in those
formative days, began my intense love of birds that continues to this day. I
count Reddish Egret, Little Curlew, Arctic Warbler and Painted Redstart among
the best birds I have seen in SLO but none of those tops my experience with
the Condor all those years ago.
Editor's note: Mike died doing what he loved best, birding. I keep his
name here in memoriam.
Dawn Beattie
Total Birds: 254
Comments: My 200th life bird was Brown Booby.
Editor's note: In 2024, the American Ornithological Society split the
Brown Booby into two species: Brown Booby and Cocos Booby (eastern Pacific
Gjon Hazard
Total Birds: 238 NIB
Comments: Gotta be one of the state's best counties, wish I could get
there more often. Best find: Painted Bunting (2nd County Record) September 29,
1988, Montana de Oro.
Steve Rovell
Total Birds: 230 NIB
Comments: Just like John Sterling and Don Roberson, I too, live outside
SLO County. I don't visit often, usually just when something rare shows up and
my teaching and family schedules allow it. In my few visits, I have managed to
see a few rarities, including Golden-winged Warbler, Painted Redstart and
Arctic Warbler. My best find is a Least Flycatcher. I don't like seeing the
"1" in front of my county total, so expect me to contact some of you for tips
on where to go and maybe even to go birding. I'm still waiting for one of your
Royal Terns to make its way up to Monterey County. That would be something!
Editor's note: Steve also has 417 birds for Monterey County!
Don Roberson
Total Birds: 204 NIB
Comments: I've never lived in SLO and have only rarely visited, yet
have had the good luck to find or co-find two great SLO birds: Short-tailed
Albatross and Red-tailed Tropicbird. Incidentally, had I seen Wild Turkey in
SLO, I would included that on my NIB list. The evidence supports the
proposition that Wild Turkey was once native in northern & central
California's oak forests, and is thus a re-introduced native bird (more like
Peregrine than like all the clearly non-native IBs). See this page on my
website for more details. Editor's note: Don also has 451 birds for
Monterey County!