Sector - 37
The following is a listing of key locations within this sector that may be the most productive based on past experience. Also noted are species that are hard to find within the count circle and are possible within the habitat of this sector. Please don't limit census to just the areas mentioned, but consider them the most important. Cover as much of the sector as your time and energy allows. Remember, if your party splits or moves to another sector, please begin a new field card. Any constructive comments about this sector would be appreciated (e.g., too big or small, access problem, additional key locations). Please note actual areas covered. Also note contacts for entrance onto private property.
Eastern Los Osos
Los Osos Creek - cover as much of the creek as accessible. If possible, gain access to Eto Lake. Check eucalyptus grove along the creek near Los Osos Valley Road for hummingbirds, especially Allen's (selasphorus), kingbirds, warblers, and tanagers. Lots of good sparrow habitat, so be alert for unusual species such as Harris's, White-throated, or Clay-colored.
Residential - Good sparrow habitat. Drive and walk streets looking for sparrow flocks. Check willows along Willow Drive and other locations for mixed flocks of Chestnut-backed Chickadee and Bushtit.
Los Osos Middle School - Check the campus and coastal scrub around campus. Look for sparrow and goldfinch flocks (Lawrence's Goldfinch has been found here in the past). Check pines and willows below sports fields. A huge flock of crows, that forms here at dusk, likely roosts nearby.
Willows at east end of Santa Ysabel Ave - Very important location. Walk east on abandoned east end of Santa Ysabel through willows and across old bridge to creek. Cross small drainage and walk along edge of Los Osos Creek and into willow thicket. Wander around in thicket searching for mixed passerine flocks. Wilson's and Black-and-white warblers and Pacific Wren have been found here and Varied Thrush is also a possibility. A marshy area along the right side of the closed section of Santa Ysabel usually has both Sora and Virginia Rail. Watch overhead for White-tailed Kite.
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