Sector - 32
The following is a listing of key locations within this sector that may be the most productive based on past experience. Also noted are species that are hard to find within the count circle and are possible within the habitat of this sector. Please don't limit census to just the areas mentioned, but consider them the most important. Cover as much of the sector as your time and energy allows. Remember, if your party splits or moves to another sector, please begin a new field card. Any constructive comments about this sector would be appreciated (e.g., too big or small, access problem, additional key locations). Please note actual areas covered. Also note contacts for entrance onto private property.
Spooner's Cove
Campground - Check campground for unusual species in mixed flocks. Watch for sapsuckers, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Red-breasted Sapsucker, and Wilson's Warbler.
Islay Creek mouth - Check riparian at creek mouth for unusual species.
Bluff and Rocky Shoreline - Census sparrows and other passerines along bluff. Look for Spotted Sandpiper, Wandering Tattler, Surfbird, Ruddy and Black turnstone, and possibly Rock Sandpiper.
Scope offshore for shearwaters, White-winged Scoter, jaegers, alcids, gulls, and terns. Also be on the lookout for waterfowl such as Harlequin Duck and Long-tailed Duck.
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