MCAS Field Trip Report - Birds of Land and Sea at Morro Rock - SEPT 17th


Canyon Wren

[All photos taken by Jaime Lee.]

Birds of Land and Sea at Morro Rock, Sept. 17 led by Robbie and Bob Revel

Royal Terns

There is always something interesting happening at the Rock no matter what time of year you visit. September was a transitional month, with shorebirds returning, and cormorants, Brown Pelicans and Heermann’s Gulls covering the rocks in large numbers. Peregrine Falcons were enjoying their empty nests and the resident Canyon Wrens’ descending liquid notes echoed across the Rock face. Black Oystercatcher pairs were prying mussels from the rocks and Royal Terns were feeding their juveniles. Join the Revel team in November for a return to Morro Rock to add sea ducks, grebes and loons to your list of sightings.

Wandering Tattler

Brown Pelican - adults with white neck and head