Title: The Amargosa River: Life in the Valley of Death
Presenter: with Moed Gerveni
When: May 23rd at 7:00 PM
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Meeting ID: 257 500 2542
Passcode: morrocoast
Description: Often described as the "Crown Jewel of the Mojave,” the Amargosa River tributary is an oasis of life. With the second highest biodiversity rating in North America, it plays a vital role in the survival of over 100 species of special conservation concern, many of which are endemic. Over 300 bird species have been recorded in this extremely important habitat, including the endangered Least Bell's Vireo, Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo, and Southwestern Willow Flycatcher. Local grassroots efforts once saved Amargosa from degradation and development, but now there is an uphill battle against invasive plants, cowbird expansion, recreation, droughts induced by climate change, and most importantly, a sensitive topic for western communities: excessive water pumping from the nearby Pahrump and Las Vegas communities.
Bio: Moed Gerveni is a young conservation-oriented scientist with a specific focus on spatiotemporal ecology and rewilding. His interests have taken him to three continents and eight U.S. states (five west of the Mississippi) and have provided him with a unique window into large-scale conservation themes. He has spent much of his time conducting captures and surveys of avian, carnivore, and herpetofaunal communities, including reintroductions of condors, wolves, bighorn sheep, pronghorn, and beavers.
Previously, Moed monitored wild and released birds by radio-tracking, feeding, observing, trapping and "babysitting" the young with Ventana Wildlife Society at San Simeon. Currently, Moed is conducting bird surveys at the Amargosa River in Death Valley near Tecopa and Shoshone, CA with Point Blue Conservation Science (formerly known as Point Reyes Bird Observatory). Through this work, Moed has come to realize that conservation does not happen without habitat (land and/or water), no matter how well-studied or beloved a species may be, hence his efforts to raise awareness about the existence and struggles of the Amargosa watershed.