MCAS Virtual Community Program: Tracking Long-billed Curlews, AUG 17th, 7pm

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The Long-billed Curlew:
Tracking a Species of Greatest Conservation Need
Presenter: Heather Hayes


  • Curlew biology
  • population declines in Idaho
  • satellite transmitter research
  • the migration journey
  • outreach efforts

Long-billed Curlew populations of southwestern Idaho are declining at an alarming rate placing them on Idaho’s “Species of Greatest Conservation Need” list. With the use of satellite transmitter technology, the Intermountain Bird Observatory (IBO) is gaining valuable data as to why.

Come listen to first-hand field accounts from Heather Hayes, a research biologist and the Community Science Coordinator for the IBO and learn about the biology of these charismatic birds including information about their habitats, nesting requirements and migratory journey. We will also discuss how satellite technology is not only uncovering some of their mysteries but is also connecting communities across state lines and international borders.

Heather Hayes is a research biologist and the Community Science Coordinator for the Intermountain Bird Observatory (IBO) in Boise, Idaho. She works on many research projects that include the Long-billed Curlew Satellite Tracking program, the 8-state WAfLS community science program (Western Asio flammeus Landscape Study) for Short-eared Owls, and the IBO’s Hummingbird Monitoring Program.

Heather is also extremely passionate about her role as Community Outreach Coordinator, developing K-12 STEM curriculum and conducting “Curlews in the Classroom” programming. She loves the ability to integrate her fieldwork with education, bringing a unique perspective into not only the classroom but into Hunter’s Education classes as well. Her outreach efforts also extend to IBO’s banding research stations, where she serves as the visitor coordinator for the public.


Topic: MCAS August Community Program

Time: Aug 17, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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