Shorebirds 101: Field trip Friday, April 1st, Morro Strand

Sanderlings, Photo courtesy Dawn Beattie
Join leaders Norma Wightman and Jan Surbey for this trip along Morro Strand on Friday, April 1st , 4:30-6:30am. APRIL FOOL! The legitimate time is 8:30-10:30am.

Targeted for beginners, but all ages and experience levels welcome. Expect to walk about a mile along the beach. Meet at the Azure entrance to the beach at the north end of the Cloisters. (Turn towards the ocean at San Jacinto off Highway 1 in Morro Bay, then turn left when road ends to the Azure parking lot.) The Azure restrooms are not always unlocked, so plan to arrive a little early and use the restrooms located near the playground in the middle of the Cloisters if necessary. Dressing in “layers” recommended. Bring binoculars if you have them; if not, the leaders will have some binoculars you may borrow for the trip. No RSVP needed. Rain cancels.

For additional information, contact Jan Surbey, MCAS field trip chair: