VOLUNTEERS Needed for MCAS table at MBBF in January

MBBF Vendor Baazar [photo courtesy of MBBF]



We are recruiting volunteers to cover shifts for the MCAS Information Table during the 2025 Morro Bay Bird Festival.


The shifts are on 1/17, 1/18, and 1/19, and last from 2 to 2.5 hours each. It is easy to do. Go to SignUpGenius, pick an available shift, scroll down to bottom and click “Save & Continue.” And, you are welcome to sign up for more than one shift! 


The table will be in the Vendor Bazaar room of the Morro Bay Community Center, and will be set up with information about MCAS and our activities that you can share with visitors to the festival. After you sign up you will receive additional information.


If you registered for a festival event, you can pick an MCAS table shift that fits in with your festival schedule.


Questions? Email mcas@morrocoastauduobon.org


Video now available for DEC 16 MB CBC Compilation and Awards

This community program started with MCAS business, including award announcements for the Libbie Agran Scholarships, Outstanding Service, and Volunteer of the Year. 

Then the engaging Morro Bay CBC Compilation was led by Jay Carroll. The compilation is the culmination of the 71st annual MB Christmas Bird Count, held on Dec 14th. A count of all species was tabulated. The total number of species in count years 2013 - 2023 have ranged from 187 to 204, with anywhere from 98 to 142 participants. What was the count this year?

Watch the video on the MCAS YouTube Channel.

MCAS Virtual Community Program - DEC 16 - Awards & MB CBC Compilation

[Image courtesy of National Audubon]

MCAS December Zoom Community Program

Date:           Monday, December 16th, 2024, 7:00 pm


Title:           The Morro Bay Christmas Bird Count Compilation Meeting, Led by Jay Carroll


Join Zoom Meeting Zoom Meeting ID: 934 7541 6735; Passcode: 646636

You can also find the link on the MCAS Events Calendar in our website’s header https://www.morrocoastaudubon.org/.


All MCAS Zoom Community Programs are free and open to the public. All ages are welcome. No signup/registration required to attend.


Description: This community program will begin with MCAS business including award announcements for the Libbie Agran Scholarships, Outstanding Service, and Volunteer of the Year. 

Next will be the Morro Bay CBC Compilation led by Jay Carroll. The compilation is the culmination of the 71st annual MB Christmas Bird Count, held on Dec 14th. A count of all species seen will be tabulated. The total number of species in count years 2013 - 2023 have ranged from 187 to 204, with anywhere from 98 to 142 participants. What will the count be this year?


You’re invited to enjoy your dinner at home, put on some background music and wrap presents while you watch the announcements and see the bird count results.


If you have questions, email Wendy McKeown, Community Programs Chair: CommPrograms@morrocoastaudubon.org


MCAS Field Trip - JAN 1 - Habitat: First Day at Morro Rock Beach

Morro Rock Beach [photo by Faylla Chapman]  
Morro Coast Audubon Society Presents  

FIELD TRIP:       Habitat: First Day at Morro Rock Beach  

DATE:                 Wednesday, January 1, 2025  

TIME:                  2:00pm to 4:00pm  

LEADER:            Faylla Chapman   

CO-LEADER:     Sharon Iranpour  

Trip is limited to 30 participants randomly selected. The remainder will be put on standby status in case of cancellations. Only registered people may attend.

Description: Join Faylla Chapman and Sharon Iranpour on New Year’s Day to learn about the sandy beach habitat and the organisms that inhabit it.  Then, as we walk along, we’ll find and talk about the small things that contribute to the whole environment.  Some are often overlooked and can be found both by the water and higher near the dunes.  We will even look for birds out enjoying the first day of the new year. Distance of walk: 1 mile. Terrain Description: Soft to hard packed sand after reaching the beach. Restrooms are available.

ADA Accessible: No

Experience Level: All Levels Welcome

Registration and RSVP to confirmation Required! 

Registration will open on the morning of DEC 22ndOn that date, MCAS members will automatically receive an ALERT with the LINK to the Field Trip’s Registration Form.

Non-members can receive ALERTS from MCAS regarding Field Trips, Community Programs, and other MCAS activities. You will need to fill out the MCAS ALERT EMAIL LIST sign up form in the footer of the MCAS website. You can also join the SLOCOBIRDING email list to get ALERTs via Groups.io. (Field Trip alerts only)

Please consider becoming a member of MCAS to support MCAS’s mission and activities, including Field Trips.

Questions? Email Freddy Howell freddy@morrocoastaudubon.org 

MCAS Field Trip - DEC 27 - Cuesta Inlet, Los Osos

Cuesta Inlet [image courtesy of www.savecuestainlet.org]

Morro Coast Audubon Society Presents  

FIELD TRIP:       Cuesta Inlet, Los Osos  

DATE:                  Friday, December 27, 2024  

TIME:                   10:00 am - 12:00 noon  

LEADER:            Grace Hayes  

Trip is limited to 12 participants - Signups will be taken for 24 hours. Participants will be randomly selected. The remainder will be put on standby status in case of cancellations. Only registered people may attend.


Overwintering shorebirds and ducks, overview of area marsh plants, summary of area land conservation efforts (see also www.savecuestainlet.org). The terrain is flat, narrow sand and silt trails and we will walk up to 1.5 miles. Many ducks and shorebirds should be at a good distance for study with (and maybe without) binoculars.  Additionally, those that have a scope may wish to bring it for identification and viewing of more distant ducks that may be off at a distance on the bay or shorebirds on the opposite side of the inlet. Restrooms are not available. Rain cancels. 

ADA Accessible: No

Experience Level: All Levels Welcome

Registration and RSVP to confirmation Required! 

Registration will open on the morning of DEC 17th. On that date, MCAS members will automatically receive an ALERT with the LINK to the Field Trip’s Registration Form.

Non-members can receive ALERTS from MCAS regarding Field Trips, Community Programs, and other MCAS activities. You will need to fill out the MCAS ALERT EMAIL LIST sign up form in the footer of theMCAS website. You can also join the SLOCOBIRDING email list to get ALERTs via Groups.io. (Field Trip alerts only)

Please consider becoming a member of MCAS to support MCAS’s mission and activities, including Field Trips.

Questions? Email Freddy Howell freddy@morrocoastaudubon.org


Dec2024-Jan2025 Flyway

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From the now newly opened window, you can read the Flyway Newsletter OR use the icons in the top-right corner to PRINT or DOWNLOAD the Flyway Newsletter.

Giving Tuesday - Supporting MCAS Taxidermy Collection

Taxidermy being used in a Birding Workshop [photo by Robbie Revel]
We are very thankful for the continued support of our members and the public, including the opportunities for directed giving on dedicated days like Giving Tuesday. Our last Giving Tuesday was a success providing everything we needed for 4 trail cameras now placed throughout Sweet Springs.
Photo from one of the trail cameras at Sweet Springs Nature Preserve
Our upcoming Giving Tuesday monies will be dedicated to Education and Outreach. We have several museum quality avian mounts utilized for both education and outreach, and we are looking to add to our collection.  Quality bird mounts are very expensive, and we would appreciate your donations on this Giving Tuesday to support our collection.

Taxidermy being used in Birds in Your Neighborhood class
[photo by Tami Livermore,  used with school's permission]

Last year, between the MCAS education programs in the schools and outreach to the community, we reached over 3,000 youth and adults. The collection includes great local birds that people can see up close, and are a great introduction to birding, conservation, and to our Chapter! Please consider a donation on Giving Tuesday, December 3, 2024.

MCAS Field Trip - DEC 15 - Stop and Scope King Tide at Morro Bay State Park Marina Boardwalk

Birding the State Park Marina during King Tide

Morro Coast Audubon Society Presents  

FIELD TRIP:        Stop and Scope King Tide at Morro Bay State Park Marina Boardwalk  

DATE:                  Sunday, December 15, 2024  

TIME:                   8:30 am to 11:00 am  

LEADERS:          MCAS Field Trip Leaders 

Trip is not limited, but DOES require registration.

DESCRIPTION: Take a break from the stresses of the holidays! Grab the kids and grandkids and head to the Marina Boardwalk to view the bay at King Tide. This is not a regular field trip. We invite people to stop by for a view of the high tide and the shorebirds it will bring in close. This is a special high tide called the King Tide because it will be the highest of the year, 8.4 feet, at 9:11am on Sunday, December 15. We will set up scopes at the back platform, and along the first part of the boardwalkLeaders will help you identify our winter shorebirds and migrants, as well as the land birds occupying the coastal sage scrub habitat. Drop by anytime between the hours of 8:30am and 11:00am for the OH! AH! experience of the King Tide and to see what birds come in with the receding tide and take advantage of the scopes. Bring your own binoculars and cameras. Dress for cool and windy conditions. The complete loop is a short walk of about one mile on a boardwalk and dirt path and is ADA accessible. 

Restrooms are available in the parking lot beside Bayside Cafe and at the State Park Campgrounds. Rain cancels.

ADA Accessible: Yes

Experience Level: All Levels Welcome

Registration and RSVP to confirmation Required! 

Registration will open on the morning of DEC 5thOn that date, MCAS members will automatically receive an ALERT with the LINK to the Field Trip’s Registration Form.

Non-members can receive ALERTS from MCAS regarding Field Trips, Community Programs, and other MCAS activities. You will need to fill out the MCAS ALERT EMAIL LIST sign up form in the footer of theMCAS website. You can also join the SLOCOBIRDING email list to get ALERTs via Groups.io. (Field Trip alerts only)

Please consider becoming a member of MCAS to support MCAS’s mission and activities, including Field Trips.

Questions? Email Robbie Revel robbie@morrocoastaudubon.org