MCAS & SLOBG - Beginning Birding at the Gardens

Townsend's Warbler at an Aloe Plant {photo by Joanne Aasen]
Morro Coast Audubon Society and SLO Botanical Gardens Present…


WHAT:             Beginning Birding with Morro Coast Audubon and SLO Botanical Gardens

WHERE:          SLO Botanical Gardens

DATE:              Saturday, April 12th

TIME:               9:00 am -- 1:30 pm

LEADERS:       Robbie Revel and Karen Watts

CLASS FEE:    $55.00 (-$10 discount for MCAS and SLOBG members)


This program is especially designed for beginners who would like to learn to recognize the beautiful birds of the Botanical Garden and the Central Coast. Practice making observations and learn to use binoculars, spotting scopes, and field guides. We’ll share resources available for ongoing skill building.


The morning of the workshop we’ll have taxidermy specimens, a slide presentation, and lots of time to ask questions. We’ll provide you with handouts to help you with your notes. There will be a short break for lunch and then we will go on a bird walk around the gardens to practice your new skill. If it’s raining, we’ll practice indoors.


Adults and children 9 and over are welcome to attend.


Bring binoculars if you have them. We will have a few loaner binoculars and a variety of guidebooks to assist you.


Bring a lunch, snacks, and bottled water. Dress for the weather. Your class fee gives you access to the Garden all day.


Make your reservation and pay the class fee at SLO Botanical Gardens.


A $10 discount is offered for SLO Botanical Garden and Morro Coast Audubon Society members. 

Please enter “member10off” (for SLOBG members) or “audubon10off” (for Audubon Society members). 



MCAS – APR 23rd – In-person 2025 Annual Membership Meeting & Community Program

American Coot [photo by Dave Lawrence]
MCAS – APR 23rd – In-person 2025 Annual Membership Meeting & Community Program

Business:       Introduction of Candidates and the upcoming bylaws election.
                        Member Comments

Program:        Third Annual Birds of SLO and Northern Santa Barbara Counties
                        Curated and Presented by Judy Neuhauser
                        Music accompaniment by Aria DiSalvio

When:             Wednesday, April 23rd, 7:00pm

NOTE: This is NOT the usual third Monday of the Month for this event!

Where:            Unitarian Universalists Church of SLO, 2201 Lawton Ave., SLO.
                        See directions below. 

All MCAS Community Programs are free and open to the public. All ages are welcome.

No signup/registration is required to attend. 

Morro Coast Audubon Society’s Annual Members’ Meeting will include:

      Introductions to our candidates for officer and board positions for the upcoming election and nominations from the floor.

      Member comments about Proposed 2025 Bylaws Revisions for upcoming election. Fill out a Comment Form at the front door if you wish to comment.

      April Program: Third Annual Birds of SLO and Northern Santa Barbara Counties, curated and presented by Judy Neuhauser, with gorgeous photos of local birds from local photographers with music accompaniment by Aria DiSalvio.

Description of the Community Program: Judy Neuhauser will present the third annual program of Birds of San Luis Obispo and Northern Santa Barbara Counties. This slide show, featuring photos from some of the best photographers in the area, will showcase the splendor of birds that live and migrate through the spectacularly varied habitats in our counties. The wide range of birds that live in or pass through these landscapes is truly amazing. Join us as we get a close-up look at these birds as they live their lives, in photos taken by some of the Central Coast’s finest nature photographers. The program will be set to music by Aria DiSalvio, a cellist from Santa Cruz, and her musical collaborators.

Bio: Judy Neuhauser is a retired field botanist and educator who worked for many years in California’s deserts, chaparral, and conifer forests; as an outdoor educator; and as a bilingual classroom teacher. She lived and taught for two years in the mountains of Costa Rica. She was founder of Stream Consciousness, local chapter of the Urban Creeks Council, that worked on making creeks a vital part of urban life in San Luis Obispo. She was active in developing and presenting classroom programs on birds for MCAS and served as the MCAS President for 5 ½ years.

MCAS is excited to offer this program as an in-person event. Please come and take the opportunity to meet your MCAS Board and talk with other local bird enthusiasts and our outstanding photographers. If you are unable to attend in person, you will be able to view the program just a few days later on the MCAS YouTube Channel.

Directions to 2201 Lawton Ave., SLO:

From South St. near Broad St., turn onto Meadow St. next to Meadow Park.

You will see the church parking lot on your left. Turn in at the second entrance to the parking lot. Walk through the gate (there is a disabled ramp there). Our room is the second door on the left. We will be meeting in the Social Hall.  Map

Please consider becoming a member of MCAS to support MCAS’s mission and activities, including Community Programs.

If you have questions, email Wendy McKeown, Programs Chair

VIDEO now available for MAR 17th Community Program on Elephant Seals

Piedras Blancas Elephant Seal Rookery [photo by David Johnson]

VIEW VIDEO on MCAS Youtube Channel

TITLE:              The Piedras Blancas Elephant Seal Rookery 

PRESENTER:  Dr. David Johnson, California State Park Elephant Seal Docent  


Join David Johnson, California State Park Elephant Seal Docent, to learn all about the elephant seals at Hearst San Simeon State Park. Discover the fascinating life cycle, adaptations, and natural history of these marine mammals and why they come to local beaches.


Bio: Dr. David Johnson spent 30 years as an owner and physician at Chiropractic Health Care of Rancho Santa Margarita.  His practice served the community of Rancho Santa Margarita and surrounding areas.  The practice was a family practice diagnosing and treating sports injuries, back and neck pain, sciatica and other musculoskeletal disorders.


David has a bachelor of science in Biology, a doctorate of Chiropractic from the Southern California University of Health Sciences and post doctorate education in the treatment of automobile injuries and sports injuries.


He has a love for the ocean that has continued since he was a child growing up in Orange County, CA body surfing and snorkeling.  As an adult he became a certified PADI Open Water Diver and continued his education with Advanced Open Water certification and as a certified Rescue Diver. He and his wife travel all over the world scuba diving. He estimates that he has spent greater than 30 full days underwater!  


David Johnson has volunteered at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, CA  as a professional diver for 10 years where he engaged in activities such as hand feeding the animals (yes even a few sharks), keeping the exhibits clean and educating the public by speaking from underwater during the diver shows.  When he retired and moved up to San Luis Obispo in 2022, he found the Friends of the Elephant Seals and decided that would be a great way to spend his volunteer time as an extension of his love for the ocean.

MCAS Field Trip - MEMBERS ONLY - APR 8 - Sweet Springs Nature Preserve

View of Sweet Springs - Pond, Trail, and Beyond [photo by Kaaren Perry]
Morro Coast Audubon Society Presents                          *MEMBERS ONLY*  

FIELD TRIP:        Sweet Springs Nature Preserve 

DATE:                  Tuesday, April 8, 2025  

TIME:                   8:00 am - 11:00 am  

LEADER:             Mike Bush  

CO-LEADER       Lisa Roeder  

Trip is limited to 15 participants - Signups will be taken for 24 hours. Participants will be randomly selected. The remainder will be put on standby status in case of cancellations. Only registered people may attend.

Description: Audubon Sweet Springs Nature Preserve with its two viewing platforms and meandering trails will allow us panoramic views of the estuary, wetlands and mudflats that attract our shorebirds. The pond lures ducks and the surrounding expansive variety of vegetation harbors many other species who breed here and those that migrate through during the Spring.  Dirt paths and level boardwalks make for an easy walk of approximately 1 mile. Restroom (port-a-potty) is available at the East entrance. 

ADA Accessible: Yes

Experience Level: All Levels Welcome

Registration and RSVP to confirmation Required! 

Registration will open on the morning of MAR 29th. On that date, MCAS members will automatically receive an ALERT with the LINK to the Field Trip’s Registration Form.

Our Member-Only field trips are a bonus for members. So you don’t miss out, JOIN MCAS NOW!

Questions? Email Robbie Revel

MCAS Field Trip - APR 5 - Estero Bluffs / Fig Tree Trailhead

Estero Bluffs - Looking North

Morro Coast Audubon Society Presents

FIELD TRIP:       Estero Bluffs / Fig Tree Trailhead  

DATE:                 Saturday, April 5, 2025  

TIME:                   :00AM - 11:00AM  

LEADER:            Michael Mulroy  

CO-LEADER:     Ben Kolstad  

Trip is limited to 15 participants - Signups will be taken for 24 hours. Participants will be randomly selected. The remainder will be put on standby status in case of cancellations. Only registered people may attend.

Description: Join Michael and Ben to explore Estero Bluffs. This is one of our newest State Parks, dominated by a grassland marine terrace which leads down to the beautiful wild ocean bluff. Enjoy a slow-paced walk of 1.5-2 miles along flat trails. A rich diversity of coastal habitats, sea stacks, and intertidal areas attract a variety of birds. Expect rock-loving shorebirds with possible sightings of turnstones, surfbirds, whimbrels, sea ducks, terns, sandpipers and gulls. Restrooms are not available.

ADA Accessible: No

Experience Level: All Levels Welcome

Registration and RSVP to confirmation Required! 

Registration will open on the morning of MAR 26thOn that date, MCAS members will automatically receive an ALERT with the LINK to the Field Trip’s Registration Form.

Non-members can also receive ALERTS from MCAS regarding Field Trips, Community Programs, and other MCAS activities. To do so you will need to fill out the MCAS ALERT EMAIL LIST sign up form in the footer of the MCAS websiteYou can also get MCAS Field Trip alerts, and other SLO county bird sightings, by joining SLOCOBIRDING.

Please consider becoming a member of MCAS to support MCAS’s mission and activities, including Field Trips.

Questions? Email Robbie Revel

MCAS Zoom Community Program - MAR 17 - The Piedras Blancas Elephant Seal Rookery

Juvenile elephant seals on the beach for the annual "fall haul-out" [photo by David Johnson]
MCAS Zoom Community Program


DATE:              Monday, March 17th, 2025, 7:00 pm


TITLE:              The Piedras Blancas Elephant Seal Rookery


PRESENTER:  Dr. David Johnson, California State Park Elephant Seal Docent


Join Zoom Meeting Zoom Meeting ID: 930 5096 0736; Passcode: 952231

You can also find the link on the MCAS events calendar on our website


All MCAS Zoom Community Programs are free and open to the public. All ages are welcome. No signup/registration required to attend. If you are not already an MCAS member, please consider joining to support our mission and activities, including Community Programs.



Join David Johnson, California State Park Elephant Seal Docent, to learn all about the elephant seals at Hearst San Simeon State Park. Discover the fascinating life cycle, adaptations, and natural history of these marine mammals and why they come to local beaches.


Bio: Dr. David Johnson spent 30 years as an owner and physician at Chiropractic Health Care of Rancho Santa Margarita.  His practice served the community of Rancho Santa Margarita and surrounding areas.  The practice was a family practice diagnosing and treating sports injuries, back and neck pain, sciatica and other musculoskeletal disorders.


David has a bachelor of science in Biology, a doctorate of Chiropractic from the Southern California University of Health Sciences and post doctorate education in the treatment of automobile injuries and sports injuries.


He has a love for the ocean that has continued since he was a child growing up in Orange County, CA body surfing and snorkeling.  As an adult he became a certified PADI Open Water Diver and continued his education with Advanced Open Water certification and as a certified Rescue Diver. He and his wife travel all over the world scuba diving. He estimates that he has spent greater than 30 full days underwater!  


David Johnson has volunteered at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, CA  as a professional diver for 10 years where he engaged in activities such as hand feeding the animals (yes even a few sharks), keeping the exhibits clean and educating the public by speaking from underwater during the diver shows.  When he retired and moved up to San Luis Obispo in 2022, he found the Friends of the Elephant Seals and decided that would be a great way to spend his volunteer time as an extension of his love for the ocean.


If you have questions, email Wendy McKeown, Community Programs Chair:

MCAS Field Trip - MAR 29 - Shorebirds at Alva Paul and North Point

Semipalmated Plover [photo by Bob Revel]

Morro Coast Audubon Society Presents  

FIELD TRIP:       Shorebirds at Alva Paul and North Point  

DATE:                 Saturday, March 29, 2025  

TIME:                  9:00AM to 11:00AM  

LEADER:            The Revel Team  

Trip is limited to 12 participants - Signups will be taken for 24 hours. Participants will be randomly selected. The remainder will be put on standby status in case of cancellations. Only registered people may attend.

Description: Enjoy a leisurely stroll along Morro Strand to look for remaining shorebirds on the beach. Most Shorebirds will be leaving in April.  We will investigate the pond and outflow of Alva Paul Creek looking for birds that flock to this freshwater source - gulls, terns and others. Then we will continue to the North Point area to look for rock sandpipers. The walk will be on a flat beach with some areas of deep sand. Expect to walk 2 miles at a slow pace. Restrooms are available.

ADA Accessible: No

Experience Level: All Levels Welcome

Registration and RSVP to confirmation Required! 

Registration will open on the morning of MAR 19thOn that date, MCAS members will automatically receive an ALERT with the LINK to the Field Trip’s Registration Form.

Non-members can also receive ALERTS from MCAS regarding Field Trips, Community Programs, and other MCAS activities. To do so you will need to fill out the MCAS ALERT EMAIL LIST sign up form in the footer of the MCAS websiteYou can also get MCAS Field Trip alerts, and other SLO county bird sightings, by joining SLOCOBIRDING.

Please consider becoming a member of MCAS to support MCAS’s mission and activities, including Field Trips.

Questions? Email Robbie Revel

MCAS Field Trip - MEMBERS ONLY - MAR 25 - Habitat: Marina Salt Marsh to Mud Flats

Morro Bay Salt Marsh and Estuary [photo by Faylla Chapman]

Morro Coast Audubon Society Presents                         **MEMBERS ONLY**  

FIELD TRIP:       Habitat: Marina Salt Marsh to Mud Flats  

DATE:                  Tuesday, March 25, 2025  

TIME:                   1:00pm-3:00 pm  

LEADER:            Faylla Chapman   

Trip is limited to 12 participants - Signups will be taken for 24 hours. Participants will be randomly selected. The remainder will be put on standby status in case of cancellations. Only registered people may attend.


You may have been on the Marina Boardwalk and wondered about all the specialized plants that you see in the estuary. This is your chance to find out more about this unique environment. Join biologist Faylla Chapman to take an in-depth look at the salt marsh and mudflat habitats. You will learn how our estuary was formed, how it is constantly changing and how the native plants here are a resource for our migratory birds as well as humans and marine mammals. We will walk the salt marsh flats and boardwalk trail (flat) for about 1 mile round trip. Restrooms are available.

ADA Accessible: Boardwalk-Yes, Salt Marsh-No (but accommodations made)

Experience Level: All Levels Welcome

Registration and RSVP to confirmation Required! 

Registration will open on the morning of MAR 15thOn that date, only MCAS members will automatically receive an ALERT with the LINK to the Field Trip’s Registration Form.

Our Member-Only field trips are a bonus for members. So you don’t miss out, JOIN MCAS NOW!

Questions? Email